
The Role of Zoning in Affordable Housing Development: Best Practices and Challenges


Land Development and Zoning

Our cities and towns’ constructed environment is significantly shaped by zoning laws. They control how land can be used and developed and can have a big impact on the amount of housing that is available and how much it costs. This blog post will discuss the benefits and difficulties of zoning in the construction of affordable housing.

What is Zoning?

Zoning is the process of dividing a piece of property into distinct zones or areas and creating rules for how those zones can be used. Zoning regulations may impose restrictions on everything from building height and density to the kinds of activities permitted in specific regions (such as residential, commercial, or industrial uses). Zoning boards or planning commissions in each community normally adopt and enforce local zoning rules.

The Role of Zoning in Affordable Housing Development

Housing availability and pricing can be significantly impacted by zoning restrictions. Zoning regulations in some situations might make it challenging or impossible to build affordable housing in specific places. For instance, restrictive zoning regulations that demand large lots or low-density construction may make it challenging to construct inexpensive multi-family housing. Similar to this, zoning regulations that demand a lot of parking places can raise the cost of building and make it more challenging to provide affordable homes.

Yet, zoning regulations can also be utilized to encourage the construction of cheap homes. For instance, inclusionary zoning regulations that mandate developers set aside a specific proportion of new constructions’ units for affordable housing have been introduced in various places. When developers include affordable housing in their projects, other communities have introduced density bonuses that allow them to construct more units than they otherwise would be permitted to.

Best Practices for Zoning and Affordable Housing

Cities can adopt zoning regulations in accordance with a number of best practices to encourage the creation of affordable housing, including:

  1. Encourage Mixed-Use Development: By increasing density and lowering development costs, mixed-use construction combines residential, commercial, and/or retail space to produce more affordable housing options.
  2. Implement Inclusionary Zoning: Assist ensure that a specific proportion of new developments’ units are affordable. These rules can also be tailored to provide flexibility for developers, such as enabling them to pay a fee in place of developing affordable homes.
  3. Create Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Zones: These are regions near public transportation hubs where growth is promoted. Cities may lessen the need for cars and boost access to affordable homes by promoting development in certain regions.
  4. Reduce Parking Requirements: Needing a lot of parking places can drive up development costs and make it more challenging to build affordable housing. Cities can assist in lowering the cost of construction by lowering parking restrictions.

Challenges to Zoning and Affordable Housing

Notwithstanding the potential advantages of zoning for cheap housing, cities could encounter the following difficulties:

  1. Political Opposition: Residents who are worried about increased density or changes to their neighborhood may oppose zoning laws that support affordable housing.
  2. Legal Challenges: If zoning regulations are thought to be excessively restrictive or discriminatory, they may be contested in court.
  3. Lack of Funding: Even if there are zoning regulations in place to support affordable housing, there might not be enough money to develop the housing.
  4. NIMBYism:  The term “NIMBYism” (not in my backyard) refers to people who are against new construction in their neighborhood. NIMBYism can make it challenging to put into practice zoning regulations that support affordable housing.

Our built environment, particularly the supply and affordability of housing, is greatly influenced by zoning laws. Zoning regulations that support affordable housing might be difficult to put into reality, but there are several best practices that cities can adopt.

Cities can aid in boosting housing supply and affordability by promoting mixed-use construction, enacting inclusionary zoning, establishing TOD zones, and lowering parking requirements. It’s crucial to understand that, in addition to the need for enough funds, adopting these policies may present political and legal difficulties. Ultimately, cities may make significant progress toward building more equitable and sustainable communities by addressing the need for affordable housing and working to implement best practices.

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